Monday, November 14, 2011

Thrifty Beauty Idea

This evening I was searching online like I often do and researching drugstore beauty products vs. department store beauty products. Then all of the sudden, I had an idea. I'm not sure if this is just my recently unemployed self talking or if I was on to something but, I'd love to start blogging (more often than once every year i.e. my last blog post...) about being thrify with beauty products, skincare, and haircare.

I pride myself in the ways I have been able to figure out what I can splurge a little on and what I really need to take a closer look at as far as beauty products.
You obviously don't need to spend lots of money on every beauty product you buy and there are a lot of DIY options for skincare that are more simple than you can believe!

Along with being in school full time, I think this will be a fun project!
Talk to you soon!